


Thursday 13 December 2012

Diet plans according to your sun sign

Our star signs could help us determine the best way to keep in shape, says an international astrologer. We find out more.

Using her insights, Sharon Ward has created a special astro-diet plan. She says, "Astrology can give us a real insight into personalities, so it can help you find a diet and exercise regime that you'll stick to." she said. Dietician, Anne Myers spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association said the astro-diet plan has some great ideas although she advises against cutting out whole food groups like carbohydrates or dairy. "I think everyone should be following these suggestions — like planning ahead with meals, making time to eat, ditching fatty sugary foods and including lots of protein and fresh fruit, whatever star sign they are," she said. Read on to find out what diet would suit your star sign.

Aries: Mar 20 - Apr 20
When it comes to dieting, anything that gives you quick results is ideal for you, as patience is not your virtue.
Diet: Something that is high in protein, and low in carbs works for you. Since it's an extreme diet a regular health checks are a must to keep an eye on cholesterol levels, among other things.
Exercise: Go for aerobics, circuits, sprinting, in fact anything that tests you to the limit.

Taurus: Apr 21-May 21
You love sweet treats, so you have to plan ahead, to ensure you stay in shape.
Diet: Strike a balance include a large amount of veggies in your diet, and indulge once in a way in a cake. Look at including brown rice, wholemeal bread and dried fruit which leave you feeling full.
Exercise: Use your stubbornness to keep you focused on a goal, such as running 5 km in 30 minutes.

Gemini: May 22-June 22
You find it hard to stick to the same diet or a fixed exercise regime, so have to mix it up to keep things interesting.
Diet: Balance lots of varied food groups alongside a varied exercise regime. Avoid crisps and chocolate bars by having a box of chopped fruit, in your bag to snack on instead.
Exercise: Try a mix of aerobics and high-intensity workouts to stop you getting bored.

Cancer: June 23-July 23
Comfort eating and bingeing are common traits. Cancer rules the stomach and food brings a sense of emotional security, so when you're upset, you find solace in food.
Diet: Focus on eating healthy, and stay focused to avoid cravings.
Exercise: Try swimming and Tai Chi.

Leo: July 24-Aug 23
Once Leos decide on a course of action, they have the energy and commitment to see it through.
Diet: Leos have a weakness for cheese, cream and red meat. Small, high-protein meals — plenty of eggs, fish and pulses work for you. The fewer carbs the better.
Exercise: Try weights, squash and Zumba.

Virgo: Aug 24-Sep 23
Stay away from fad diets.
Diet: Go for fibre-rich food, such as fresh fruit, salads, salmon and nuts. Avoid bread, full-fat milk and cream.
Exercise: Body-sculpting exercise classes such as Pilates and yoga will appeal to you.

Libra: Sep 24-Oct 23
Balance and harmony are Libran watchwords, so incorporate these into your diet and fitness regimes.
Diet: Partial to sweet treats, you have to learn to balance your sugar levels, and include calcium-rich foods and plenty of fluids.
Exercise: Try yoga

Scorpio: Oct 24-Nov 22
You are clear about the direction you want to take in life, and are determined to achieve her goals.
Diet: Include lots of pulses and fish in your diet.
Exercise: Try martial arts or kick-boxing.

Sagittarius: Nov 23-Dec 21
You love travelling and a varied routine. Try vegetable juices such as carrot and beetroot to detox.
Diet: Include lots of fish, nuts, seeds, vegetables and rice. Try sushi or rice cakes instead of junk food.
Exercise: Try hiking, cycling or running.

Capricorn: Dec 22-Jan 20
Self-discipline can go a long way in helping you stay slim and fit.
Diet: Mixing meals — chicken, vegetables, eggs, fruit, rice and pasta — alongside the special soups, bars and shakes allows you to rigorously monitor you calorie intake, which you'll enjoy.
Exercise: You work well on your own, so go ahead and run by yourself.

Aquarius: Jan 21-Feb 19
You make, and break, the rules as you go along, which makes sticking to a diet a challenge!
Diet: Have foods rich in B vitamins such as leafy vegetables, tuna and eggs.
Exercise: Try hula-hooping, trapeze workouts or ultra-marathons.

Pisces: Feb 20-Mar 20
You need a regime that's relaxing rather than tough and high-energy.
Diet: Include garlic and ginger, and try low-fat Asian foods.
Exercise: Try stretching, swimming and dancing every day to relieve stress.

Wife’s bra size? Men haven’t the slightest idea

Most men are apparently clueless when it comes to buying presents for their other half.

A new survey has revealed that they don't know what dress or bra size she wears or what her favourite perfume is, the Daily Express reported.

And some can't even remember her date of birth.

While 60 per cent of men claim to know their wife or girlfriend "very well", 23 per cent have no idea about her dress size, the research found.

Thirty-nine per cent admit they wouldn't know what size bra to buy her, while a staggering 12 per cent can't even remember when her birthday is.

And 12 per cent of women have had to return a gift they didn't like.

As a consequence, 40 per cent of couples have ended up falling out because the man has forgotten - or never asked - things he ought to know.

Get baby soft skin in winter

We all long for skin that feels baby soft. Without reverting back to those days, you can rejuvenate your body by using a few regular beauty treatment procedures.

Hands and feet need extra care during the winter months.

During the deepest phase of sleep, our bodies go into repair mode. So before going to bed, prepare your feet by rubbing them with petroleum jelly and allow your natural body heat to soften and soak the petroleum into your skin. After that, cover them with socks.

As most of us know, our skin is the body's largest organ. Your skin rejuvenates every 28 to 30 days. When doing so, the dead skin sometimes does not want to drop off. So, it needs a little help. Exfoliation is a major beauty requirement that when performed regularly removes dead skin and allow new skin to take over. Allowing the dead skin to build up is the cause of those horrid points on the heel of your feet and under your toes. In addition, the appearance of ageing can be decreased by exfoliating.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Why men love 'bitches'

Best selling American author and columnist Sherry Argov tells you why you need to shed the good girl tag to win the love match Sugar and spice isn't always nice. A dash of hot 'n' sour is what turns a bland dish into a gastronomic delight. Likewise, in the dating game, just being nice to your man doesn't make him more devoted; at times you need to be the 'bitch' to walk down the Valentine path. That, in a nutshell, is best-selling author and columnist Sherry Argov's premise of her seminal books Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches . "Men secretly respect a woman who is strong, has confidence and dreams of her own," says Sherry. "They don't want women who are needy and desperate for approval." So the key to conduct new-age relationships is: discover the feisty attitude "that will turn you into a diva from a doormat," says Sherry.

Why nice girls finish last
Ever wondered why despite putting your best face and foot forward, and treating your dreamboat like a dream, he seems to go for someone smarter, sassier and sexier — aka 'The bitch?' It's possibly because: »You are making it too obvious that you are looking to find a man and your happiness is dependent on that. »You are unable to be alone. »You don't want to wait for the right person. Your impatience leads you to rush into a situation you wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Do men like strong women? The general consensus is that men get intimidated by strong, opinionated women who pose a challenge. But the truth is that any extreme is a turnoff. Whether you are the super aggressive sort or the dreamy, shy type, extreme behaviour signals insecurity. On the contrary, there is nothing more attractive than a woman who has dignity and pride in who she is. So to woo the love of your life, be someone he desires. And he can't desire something that is too easily available. It doesn't mean you have to be unnecessarily aggressive or too stand-offish. It simply means you must be in control and keep him guessing. Besides, never forget the golden rule of relationships: You don't marry a perfect person. You marry an interesting person. And Sherry gives you the guide to be exactly that. The 'bitches' don't... »Call or text him frequently »Ask where he is or what he's doing »Say 'You don't call me enough,' or, 'You never tell me you love me.' Unpredictability is your asset. Don't let your loved one decode you easily » See a guy every night of the week. A woman who is easy won't scratch his competitive itch »Agree with everything he says. When you never express your opinion, a man starts feeling bored »Go looking for him or chase him down at three different places where he said he might be having a drink. To be his 'steady', let him come track you down » Get mad when he doesn't call you in four days »Rearrange your schedule to spend time with him »Be rude because being considerate is more effective. But doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself

The bitches DOs
Walk the tightrope... ...between being intimidating and independent by being feminine, yet quietly strong. When you don't telegraph or make obvious what your strengths and weakness are, your partner won't be able to read you. And when a man can't read a woman fully, he respects her more. It's not about demeanour, it's about self-control. A woman with self-control has power and men are turned on by that.

Eliminate the third angle
Worried about finishing second best in the love race? Well, first ensure you are the one he is amorous about. If he meets you and is crazy for you, other women should be a non-issue. If you are number 2 for any length of time, it means there are "too many queens in the castle." Then, just walk out. Calmly tell him the relationship is "no longer interesting" and wish him luck. This resonates self-worth and dignity, and will blow him away. Often, this will get him to play straight and prioritise you. If not, it's no loss. A man with a third wheel is never worth pursuing.

Be happy and positive Value yourself and your peace of mind. Do not chase happiness outside yourself. Most importantly, try not to give energy to what others think of you; it takes away your power. If you feel good inside, others no longer can control you emotionally. This kind of calm and self-sufficiency is very attractive. Men are used to women who wear their heart on their sleeve and go crazy for the one they can't control.

Pursue your own dreams
Focus on interests outside the relationship. He can know you care, but doesn't need to know how much. Men don't want to compete with other men for your attention, they want to compete for your time because you aren't waiting for him 24x7. When he can't control you mentally, or remain invested in your own life, you become much more interesting to share life with.